Coke Rewards Brands

Coke Rewards Brands

MyCokeRewards is a product rewards program from the Coca-Cola Company that offers opportunities for members to earn rewards for their loyalty to the Coke brands of beverages.  Members of the rewards program can enter codes from the caps or boxes of the Coke brands shown at the right (may be subject to change) in order to earn rewards points to use towards rewards of their choice.

One of the greatest features of the rewards program is the opportunity to donate your points to good causes and charities, my favorite cause of which is Special Olympics.  Other opportunities exist to donate to schools, the USO, The Boys & Girls Club of America, Even Heroes Need Rescuing (a program through Firehouse Subs), St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, and The American Red Cross.

Almost everyone has an opinion regarding Coke ($KO) Vs. Pepsi ($PEP), however deciding to drink qualifying Coca-Cola products can help you to reward yourself by rewarding others.  Which good cause will you choose?

All brands and logos featured are Trademarks of the Coca-Cola Company.

Marijuana LeafI am not directly impacted by the criminalization or legalization of marijuana, so it might surprise some that I am going to publicly take a stance on the issue.  The issue impacts many people who use marijuana for medical, recreational, or both reasons.  I don’t use it for any of those reasons, but I’ve decided to fully support legalization for medical use and support decriminalizing small amounts for personal use.

For me, it comes down to the simple decision of the positives of using it to treat illness and create tax revenue from people who use within strict guidelines outweighing the negatives of keeping it criminalized and medically withheld .  It is time for our government (United States) to stop fighting a war against marijuana that it won’t win and start capitalizing on the licensure and taxation of marijuana products.  I live in Indiana, which has some of the tougher laws with regards to marijuana possession, and I think that our laws are applied unfairly and have created unnecessary overcrowding problems within prison populations.

What are your thoughts?  Please feel free to comment, suggestion, etc.  Does your jurisdiction allow marijuana or not?  How does it impact you, etc.?

As previously stated, I personally DO NOT use marijuana nor do I judge those who do for medical reasons or within reason for recreation.

Bitcoin imageWhen considering our world’s systems of economics, governments have been our source for both currency and its regulation.  But what happens when currency goes virtual, can be exchanged on smartphones and tablets, and has no central regulation whatsoever?  You get Bitcoin.  The popularity of this payment method prospect seems to be spreading, and NBC Nightly News even reported on it.  Their video reporting showed a neighborhood in Berlin that features many Bitcoin users and accepting merchants.

Upon visiting Bitcoin’s website, you’ll notice that they even clearly claim that their service if based on software which is “community driven, free”, and is an “open-source project released under the MIT license“.  So how will this virtual currency interact with our current system of monetary reaction, and will the people place their trust in a payment system that relies on smartphones, tablets and data transfers?

We already rely heavily on data transfers to transfer money during authorizations of credit and debit cards, so the basis for payment is not really different at all.  However, transferring your government issued currency into Bitcoins involves creating a virtual wallet and using software (available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android currently).  Also, you have to do a “US Dollar Bitcoin exchange rate” search to find rates and exchangers.

The security of the currency is that each Bitcoin issued has its own unique digital signature, so the currency is secure in that regard.  Upon searching for how to sign up as a Bitcoin merchant, I met with a little resistance.  This currency and technology still have yet to grow to the point of being used on a massive scale, but it is on the move.  Imagine if the U.S. Government or European Union could no longer keep citizens and people using their issued currencies.  Imagine stock exchanges around the world trading solely in a virtual currency or buying a home with the scan of a smartphone.  That day may be coming, but it isn’t all the way here just yet.  The question we are left with is… Do we want to do away with physical currency?  Please give us your opinion in the poll below.

Below are a few helpful links about Bitcoins…

Bitcoin’s About page featuring history and in-depth information

NBC Nightly News Report on Bitcoins

In Shape ManThere are a ton of sites on the internet that offer services which will help you get in shape, lose those extra pounds you’ve wanted to cast off, and tone your body to look like that of an ancient Greek hero or Roman Gladiator.  However, many of them charge money to join and require you to pay monthly fees.  Chances are you might already be doing that to visit a local or national gym company, so why should you have to dole out more cash to help you with losing those extra inches with the exercise plan you already have one (highly advise a healthy exercise plan with appropriate diet).  Well, the good news is I’ve found a few sites that might help you with your goals.
FitBit allows you to track your daily activities as well as what you eat and helps you create an overall plan to help you achieve your goals.  Devices are also available which can sync through your computer or smartphone to help you collect fitness, sleep and more data for a cost.  It offers smartphone and some browser apps to help you sync your data.

MyPlate helps you to track physical activities and meal items throughout the day to help achieve your goals.  It offers smartphone and some browser apps to help you sync your data. offers an online diet and activity journal which can be synced with mobile devices including smartphones such as the iPhone.

Lose It!
Lose It! is another program which helps you track your daily physical activity and nutritional intake.  It offers smartphone and some browser apps to help you sync your data.

These are just a few suggestions of many that are available.  For those of us who are interested in getting in shape, changing out diet and living healthy, these are some great tools to help you succeed!



gay flag raisingIf you are a member of the LGBT community and are thinking of traveling to Russia, you might want to consider another destination.  The Russian government, under President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, is rolling back the rights and freedoms of gays in a draconian manner.

Thus far, citizens, tourists, and even a Dutch film crew have been detained and face prosecution and detention in Russia due to the Russian crackdown on LGBT rights and freedoms.  Even the Russian Orthodox Church is railing against gay rights and marriage rights for homosexuals.

Even LGBT rights advocate and creator of the Names Project – AIDS Memorial Quilt, Cleve Jones, is voicing strong opposition to the events unfolding in Russia.

Если вы являетесь членом сообщества ЛГБТ и думаете о путешествии в Россию, вы можете рассмотреть другой пункт назначения. Правительство России, при Владимире Путине, откат прав и свобод геев в драконовским образом.

До сих пор граждане, туристы и даже голландских съемочная группа были задержаны и уголовное преследование и содержание под стражей лица в России в связи с разгоном России ЛГБТ-прав и свобод. Даже Русская православная церковь перила против прав геев и брака прав гомосексуалистов.

My apologies if the translations are incorrect.  I am not proficient in Russian, so I’ve used Google Translate to translate the above text in English.

EFF Stickers

I support a free and open internet for all users of all nations, and I openly voice my opposition to censorship, government control, or restrictions placed on the internet.  This includes all forms of freedom of speech and expression with very few legal restrictions (i.e. child porn).

If you are a government agency or contracted agent of such an agency, please discontinue your use and dissemination of this site until you have a valid warrant to present to me.  If you are a foreign government or agency thereof attempting to block this site, I suggest you provide more freedoms to your citizens.  The internet is for all persons for the free exchange of information, and your attempts to shut it down, censor it, or spy on it will fail.

For more information on free internet campaigns, visit the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).

The author of this site, Brian Cowell of Cowell MediaWorks, votes, participates in and endorses activism activities to ensure internet freedoms.

Image  —  Posted: July 25, 2013 in activism & causes, blogging, justice, politics, technology
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USA FlagIf you’re not satisfied with the way our current government is working, help us to change it!

If you’re not willing to settle for a “Do Nothing Congress”, NSA spying, lack of action, budget cuts, etc.  Do something about it!!!

You can register to vote at  This service is brought to you by

A link to this website will remain on my site in the bottom left hand column.

This link applies to United States citizens only, and online registration is subject to availability in your state.

Detroit FlagMy love of my native state of Michigan and for Detroit are fairly well known, and I am saddened that Detroit has devolved to the point of needing to file for bankruptcy.  I find it exceptionally odd that the State of Michigan can appoint an Emergency Manager for Detroit when, to my knowledge, the State of Michigan owes the City of Detroit money.  Usurping democracy in the hopes of restoring it seems an odd practice to me, especially when we examine history and see how that worked for the Romans.  The last appointed individual who took the honor upon himself of ruling during a crisis did not return his powers to the Roman Empire and declared himself Caesar.

With that aside, there is now talk of the City of Detroit seeking or receiving a federal bailout.  While I want nothing more that for true democracy to be restored in Detroit and for the city to begin a new chapter of prosperity, I question the implications of a federal bailout of such a large city.  I completely stand with the city employees who should be entitled to receive their full pensions for years of hard work dedicated to civil service, and I would love to see an option that allows them to not be caught in the crossfires of Detroit‘s financial failure.  However, what will happen when the next large city fails financially?  We’ve seen many bailouts in past years during our economic recession, and taxpayer dollars have done both wonderful things and been wasted needlessly in some cases.

As previously stated, I want Detroit workers to receive their due pensions and for the city to prosper in starting the next chapter of the Motor City.  However, I cannot in good conscience deny that a federal bailout could set a bad precedence for the future.

Author of Long Live LuxuryIf you’re like me, you enjoy the finer experiences in life.  Of course luxury can depend on your timing, your availability and most definitely the size of your wallet.  One of my friends, Derek Hunter, has a blog that will help you learn about some of the great luxuries in life and the best ways to experience them.

The Long Live Luxury blog not only emphasizes that which can be obtained by those of us who don’t own yachts, huge bank accounts, etc., but also adds great commentary and even some humor when it comes to living the life fantastic.  I certainly recommend it to everyone interested in experiencing those wonderful things we’d all like to have or experience in life.

View his blog at



My apologies to my readers and to the author of the Long Live Luxury blog, but the link to his blog was previously broken.  It is now fixed.

Long Live Luxury Title

People are meant to serve as statesmen to conduct the business of the people. Instead, the corporations, lobbies, industry barons, and super filthy-rich are conducting our business for us.

We aren’t going to get anywhere trying to tar and feather people in this day-in-age, but have we forgotten the power of the citizenry that we leveraged against the largest empire in the world to form our own nation?

Yes, your life is individually important. But ignoring politics and government will only allow someone else to determine how you live that important life of yours. Standing on the sidelines of government in order to achieve the dream to own a home and raise your 2.3 children with a dog and picket fence can still sell you into slavery without your knowledge.

“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” – V for Vendetta

In a world where people come in so many different shapes, sizes, colors, creeds, etc., it is virtually impossible to eliminate racism completely from the mind of just a single person.  History, stereotypes, personal experiences and merely the human instinct to form opinions and be judgmental make it hard to avoid even the periphery of racism.

In a world where we face all the possibilities for people to judge, label, and racially profile others, a national voice that puts racism in perspective can be very important.  The civil rights movement of the 1960’s would not have succeeded without powerful voices from many sides making a declaration that it was time for our nation to be racially united.  While that goal is one that may always be in front of us, I find it comforting that we have a President of The United States who can now actively speak from his own personal history of being profiled racially.

I, personally, believe that a person is of the human race and that we come in many colors and from many places.  Our origins make us interesting and unique, and our diversity makes us strong.  For those who would think otherwise, I can have only pity.  We can all learn from one another, break bread together, and we can make our nation a better place in which to live.

It is my hope that with generations to come, we will see people as human and reserve our judgments to individuals for their own actions.  But for now, I will walk the streets in peace wherever I go and do my best to live up to my expectations of future Americans.  I will also continue to hope that our President, a fellow human being, is empowered with the wisdom and tools to do what is best for our nation as he serves out his term.

Nelson Mandela quote

Flag of The State of MichiganWhat do you get when a lack of industrial diversification, bad fiscal administration, and civil mismanagement all combine in my native state of Michigan?  An emergency manager brought to your community, school district, or government courtesy of the state government and Governor Rick Snyder (R-MI).  Want a little background on emergency managers?  Click here for the state’s documentation and reasoning for having emergency managers.

Perhaps I’m old fashioned and believe in representative democracy… or I’m a bleeding liberal who doesn’t agree with an appointed emergency manager
controlling cities, school districts, etc.  I will go as far as making the suggestion that a government of, by, and for the people should be making responsible choices regarding such government.  If a government body needs to downsize, change contracts, etc., it should not be overtaken by the state in order to conduct such affairs.

Parts of Michigan’s Emergency Manager law have been struck down by the courts already, but more needs to be done to restore the power to the people who reside in the respective districts that have been designated by the state as defunct and given emergency managers.  Many people are also unaware that emergency managers are disproportionately appointed to areas of African American populations in the state, which some consider to be a racist agenda.  I prefer to view it as an opportunity for the state to create incentives for talented individuals to solve the problems at hand in these areas (African American or not) and to create additional better economic and educational opportunities in those impoverished areas.

Here’s a few things to know about Michigan’s Emergency Managers and the Emergency Manager law…

7 Things to Know About Michigan’s Emergency Manager Law (from Michigan Radio)
List of Emergency Managers/Management Programs (State of Michigan – Dept. of Treasury)
Michigan Emergency Management News from Huffington Post

I have spoken out against PACs in the past, although I do realize some of them can be used by citizens for good causes.  I have sided with Michigan Rising in the opposition of emergency management and “right to work” legislation and programs within Michigan.  While I am not a resident of my native state, I will always care for the well-being of the land from which I hale and love.

Rush LimbaughWith advertisers fleeing away from Rush Limbaugh’s radio show due to his detestable commentary, sandwich chain Subway seems determined to stick with the embattled conservative talk show host.  There seems to be a vast movement to boycott the sandwich chain in which I have chosen to take part.  I’ll be eating at Blimpie or making my own sandwiches at home.

Subway LogoIf you feel as I do, feel free to use social media and hash tag #StopRush.
Also, you can click the link below to add your signature to a petition calling for Subway
to end running ads that support Rush Limbaugh’s show.

As for me, here were my comments on Twitter that auto-post to Facebook…

McD's LogoI know that big business is always looking for ways to do things faster, better, cheaper, and so they can make more money.  What happens when you have giant McDonald’s use a company that issues pay cards to workers without valid bank accounts?  Both companies make more money while the employee gets saddled with fees to access their wages.

I urge you to join me in signing a petition started on to try to encourage McDonald’s to stop this practice of causing underpaid employees to have to pay additional fees so they can use the pay they’ve rightfully earned.

Click the link below to add your signature if you are willing to add your voice to this petition.

To speak directly to McDonald’s, you can visit the McDonald’s corporate website.

The McDonald’s Golden Arches and slogan “i’m lovin’ it” are trademarks of McDonald’s.

My signature and comments are as follow…

Petition Signature on

My Signature and Comments on the Petition at

Iran FlagAfter winning Iran’s Presidential Election on June 14th by a wide margin, President-elect Hassan Rouhani has already begun setting a much more moderate tone than current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  Mr. Rouhani has already made statements about domestic and foreign affairs which would make him seem much more in-tune with the citizens and with many more global leaders.

With luck, perhaps we will see tensions between Iran and Israel and other regional neighbors drop once Mr. Rouhani has taken office as President.  Hopefully a less aggressive stance and more transparency on the Iranian nuclear program will become a new standard as well.  However, there is still the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to deal with in making final decisions that impact the nation.